Friday, June 26, 2009

Money is what keeps us together

There is an article in the Globe and Mail today that caught my interest. The title of the article is called "Harper's Fourth Pillar of Federalism."

The article basically discuss the current Primer Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, is strengthening the Canadian Federation using the new infrastructure funding within the economic stimulus package. The author labeled these infrastructure fundinsg as the "Fourth Pillar of Federalism." The other three pillars are the cash transfers, equalization and tax collection deals with the provinces.

It would be interesting to see if these infrastructure money will continue to flow from Ottawa to the provinces and cities in the next several years. I really doubt the cities have enough cash to maintain all these newly built infrastructure on the years to come.

Sometimes it really feels like the Canadian federation is not about common ideals or cultures. The sole reason of the federation's existence seems to be money. Money from Ottawa is what really keeps us together as Canadians. Maybe this is not a bad thing, it keep things realistic and peaceful.

If the Canadian federation is governed like China (where Beijing has the ultimate say in everything), I am sure Quebec would have left a long time ago.

Maybe I will write about China next time.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

June 4 2009 in Le Quartier Chinois de Montréal

Like many other cities, Montreal had a small exhibition/memorial about the Tiananmen Square Incident. Because there is no Chinese consulate located in Montreal. The exhibition was located in China town.

It was a very small scale exhibition. Amnesty International also had a small booth next to the exhibition.

Unfortunately, it did not seem to attract the attention of many people passing by. However it is good to see some people do care even in a remote city like Montreal.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

When will "change" arrive in China?

In less than 2 days it will be the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square incident.As a Chinese, it is very sad to see the government of China refuse to reveal the facts and try to silent the public from discussing about the incident.

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen once said "The revolution has not yet succeeded. Comrades, you must carry on!" He left these last few words moments before he passed away in the Rockefeller Hospital in Beijing on 1925. It is sad that after 84 years, this revolution has not yet succeeded. Majority of the Chinese people are still denied the rights proposed in Dr. Sun's "Three Principles of the People."

China's society only seem stable on the surface because of constant economic growth during the last two decades. No economy can expand forever. Chaos and instability can happen if China experience a serious economic decline or hardship. People will demonstrate their dissatisfaction and anger through violence because the current system offer no alternative for people to voice their opinion.

A real reform is needed on the Chinese government today. It is for the long term stability of China. The government needs to be able to accept criticisms from the people and improve. The current stability is just a mirage. Many people have dissatisfaction but are afraid to voice their opinion in the current system.

Revealing the facts and allowing the public to discuss the Tiananmen Square incidents would be a symbolic first step that real changes are happening within the Chinese government.