I decide to start writing down thoughts about manga (Japanese word for "comics") that I read. It might be interesting if I look back at these thought 10 or 20 years later of my life :)
Interesting thing is, the first manga I want to write about is not by a Japanese artist.
Title: Young Guns
Artist: Lin Zheng de (林政德)
Apparently this is a very popular manga in Taiwan during the 90s. The artist is from Taiwan and Young Guns is his most famous work. Young Guns started at 1990 and finished at 2010 with 12 volumes.
Young Guns is a slice of life/situational comedy type manga. It doesn't really have a major plot line. The story focus on the life of main character, a 1st year senior high student JianPing Yuan (袁建平). It begins with JianPing falling in love on first sight with HuiWen Su (蘇慧文), a 2nd year senior high girl JianPing he met on the school bus. The story revolved around JianPing's high school life, about how he tried to win the affection of HuiWen and about all the other new interesting friends he meet and the misunderstanding that arises.....
The story may not sound very interesting but the casts left me a very deep impression. The three main male characters are what considered to be trouble makers in any high school. The artist tried to portrait them as the "handsome bad-ass" type. They often drive the humor of the story and shows the troubled side of boys in school.

I love the female casts of the manga. Each of the girls are beautiful in their own way. Not only there is the smart, beautiful, top of the class HuiWen, there is also the sexy but trouble making girl YouLan Ji (紀幼蘭), the cold appearing class-rep Daiya Chen (陳玳雅), and the cute neighborhood type girl BaoJin Zhong(鍾寶津). They are often the cause of trouble for the boys at that age and brings many misunderstanding.
The artist's drawing is all right. The facial expression needs more work, but the artist pays a lot of attention to the fashion design and that really gives each character individuality.
One things that really make this manga stand out: the dialogues. The artist really pay attention to the use of slang. Just like the fashion in Young Guns, the dialogues really give individually to each characters.
I had a good laugh reading this manga. I finished all 12 books in one sitting. It is very enjoyable, but I didn't really like the ending. I believe Young Guns was originally intended to be a much longer series, but the artist's situation just doesn't allow it. Young Guns would probably have a better conclusion if it finished with 19 books like the manga "Suzuka."
Hi I'm Abby I just want to ask you about the ending of young guns? What happen to each of the characters? Did jianping and suhuiwen become couple? I'm a fan of the manga I only got 10 volumes...thank you :)
Hi , No they are not together . Huiwen was with Yang ri hui in the end.
hi, same here i only got 1 - 10 vol in english.. just brought book 11 however it in Chinese not really good with my Chinese can't really read. any idea where i can find it in english ?? anyway what happen to jianping? I wait for 10 year of the book to complete
I guess you have to wait for the English version. I will keep a look out and highlight you here if I manage to see one.
As for Jian Ping , he has thought through and decided to concentrate on his baseball game .
You really have to see it for yourself as no.12 is the last episode .
Wow I never expected to see comment on my blog as I never advertise it.
Apologize for the late reply.
Looks like anonymous answered all the questions anyways :)
I never knew someone translated this comic to English. It's nice to know it reaches audience oversea in a way.
Thank you for the answers :) I hope and pray that vol. 11 and 12 will be translated to English and will be available in my country :) Just one more question did jianping have a girlfriend at the end?
he finished it in 2010? wow... i waited for years for volume 11. i wish i knew chinese. i only have the english version until vol.10... well that was before my sister's ex took vol 9 and 10. haha!
I love that comic too. but till now i cant get my hand on book 11 and 12.... i'm in singapore... anyone knows?
I just ordered book 11 and 12 from Kinokuniya. They didn't have stock but can order from them! If you are willing to fork out about 13-15 bucks for each book like me then you can get from there. If not I don't know where else you can get from
Hi Sz could I asked how you orderd vol 11 and 12 from Kino? Like many others, I only have the first ten volumes, and have been waiting for vol 11 since secondary school (i'm 21 this year lol). Thanks!
Hi there,
Do you have Young Guns (Chinese version) from Vol 1 to 10? I hope to buy them.
Hi i have chinese ver. Vol 1 to 9. Let me know if you are still keen. Contact me @93672546.
Bonjour , j'ai découvert le manga il y a 20 ans en achetant la VHS , je l'ai posté sur youtube en VOSTFR , malheureusement je n'ai pas trouver de livre , je suis en France , peut être y a t il que des versions japonaise ou chinoise .
Prenez soins de vous bye .
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