Saturday, October 18, 2008

It will only get worst?

I know it is not correct for any legislative member to behave this way in the legislature, but I don't feel sympathetics towards the chief executive (CE) at all for some reason.

Probably because 黃毓民 is actually elected by his constituent, but the CE is only elected by a non-representative election committe that only listens to the Beijing government.

Mr. Wong has the authority from the people to represent them in the legislature, the CE is "appointed" by Beijing through a tightly controlled and manupilated election. 

I hope Hong Kong's legislature would not become like Taiwan's legislature. In Taiwan, fights break out between members from different party. Sometimes the opposition even lock up the speaker to barricade the legilative process.

The only way to prevent this is to have the chief executive elected by the general public. This way he is not at a disadvantage when attending sessions in the legislature.

I doubt the Beijing government will understand what I posted here though.

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